20 Realities Every Feline Parent Has Embraced

Having a feline companion can be quite an adventure. It’s definitely not a task for the faint-hearted, resentful or melancholic. When you share your space with a cat, get ready to have your spirits lifted as you smile and chuckle at their antics. These furry creatures can keep you on your toes, and bring a lively energy to your life. With cats around, there’s never a dull moment. One thing is for sure, their quirky habits are not going away anytime soon. For instance, your cat might have claimed your sink as its new favorite napping spot.

The one who’s not in control here is the Dog.

The concept of “mischief” can be redefined when cats are the ones causing it.

Taking selfies has become a social experience nowadays.

Yes, it’s true! A post-dinner treat is definitely a thing.

Computers are meant for heating up, not just for working.

At times, it’s best to allow them to ponder over feline-related matters.

There’s no activity more precious than spending some quality time gazing out the window. Please refrain from interrupting.

There’s something about a box that just draws us in more than any fancy, pricey toy ever could…

It applies to luxurious beds as well.

Believe it or not, snoozing can occupy your entire day.

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