An Uplifting Story of a Senior Canine’s Brave Fight Against Bone Cancer in the Face of Neglect

On the 22nd of September, GWARP (Global Welfare Association for Rescuing and Protecting Animals) received a report about an elderly dog that was neglected and abused. It was reported to be one of the most severe cases they had ever encountered.

A weak and ailing dog was found chained up with no access to food or water. The poor creature had been battling bone cancer for quite some time, and it was evident that it was not receiving any medical care. The dog had developed osteosarcoma, a brutal type of bone cancer, which was likely caused by its restricted lifestyle and diet of scraps and trash.
The veterinarian confirmed that this particular form of cancer is often triggered by extensive injuries and infections. Shockingly, the person who reported the situation had witnessed the dog being brutally beaten by its intoxicated owner. The dog had been confined to a short metal chain in the yard for several years, making it impossible for it to roam freely.

When the GWARP rescue team came to save a dog’s life, they were met with resistance from the owner who refused to give up custody of the animal. However, the rescue team was passionate about their cause and went as far as seeking help from the police. It took several hours of pleading and presenting evidence of the dog’s dire medical situation before the owner finally agreed to take it to the vet. The dog needed immediate attention including blood tests and even an amputation. Histology testing was done on tissue samples to determine the dog’s condition accurately. Although progress has been made, the journey towards full recovery is still long and arduous, according to a member of the GWARP team.

Jordan, the dog, had a chance of surviving as X-rays indicated that the osteosarcoma, a fast-growing tumor, had not yet spread to its lungs. However, the tumor continued to increase in size, causing the skin to tear. Despite this setback, Jordan was given a restful bath to help him recover from his traumatic past experiences.

Regrettably, Azerbaijan is unable to provide adequate treatment for Jordan’s condition. The ideal location for his medical care is Turkey, thus he will be sent there. According to the team, he is expected to arrange transportation in a matter of days.

Upon reaching Istanbul, Jordan received pre-surgery sedation to undergo extensive X-rays of his whole body. With the amputation of his tumor-infested limb, Jordan’s journey towards recovery had started. After three days since the surgery, he has shown remarkable progress by quickly adapting to his new life. Moreover, Jordan’s appetite has returned, and he eagerly consumes the meals prepared for him by his caregivers.

We should continue to send positive thoughts and prayers for Jordan’s fast healing and a prosperous future. Jordan, everyone who has been touched by your journey loves and supports you.