Meet Bowie: The One-of-a-Kind Feline with Heterochromia and a Distinctive Appearance

Meet Bowie, a stunning European Shorthair with a rare condition called heterochromia, resulting in his captivating blue and green eyes. Rescued by his owner, Maria Lloret from Spain, Bowie is a playful feline who loves to interact with other cats. In an interview with Maria, we will explore Bowie’s energetic personality and the benefits of adopting rescue pets. Despite being named after the famous musician David Bowie, Maria recognizes that the celebrity did not have heterochromia. However, the resemblance between the two is undeniable, making us wonder if Bowie has any hidden musical talents. Show your love for Bowie by upvoting his photos on his Instagram (Cat), Facebook, Blog, and Instagram (Cat Mom) pages.


This animal is so breathtaking! Its hues are incredibly vivid and diverse, invoking a sense of wonder akin to the world of Willy Wonka. From the charming shade of pink to the dark blue, the luminous yellow to the deep red and brown, there is an abundance of beauty to behold. I even found myself unintentionally capitalizing “White” – how peculiar! Nonetheless, let us continue to appreciate this extraordinary feline.




Like many felines, Bowie enjoys catching up on a lot of sleep and has a voracious appetite. His owner, Maria, claims that there isn’t a single kind of food that he doesn’t like. Whenever he spots treats, he starts to purr right away. His favorite playthings are small mice that make noise when shaken, and it’s entertaining to see him toss them in the air and catch them. When he was just three months old, Bowie was deserted in a park, but fortunately, he was discovered by a local animal shelter in Benidorm, where Maria resides, and he was able to find his forever home.






Maria and her sister came across an advertisement of a family who wanted to adopt a cat. They were immediately smitten with Bowie, not just because of his good looks, but also due to his affectionate personality and constant purring. After bringing him home, Bowie enjoyed his food and cuddled with Maria for a nap.

Maria is a strong advocate for rescuing animals from shelters instead of buying them. She firmly believes that adopting animals can save their lives as there are many animals in need of loving homes. Furthermore, she encourages people to adopt black cats as they often get overlooked due to superstitions. Maria previously owned a black cat named Louis, who wasn’t in the best health, but with some extra care and attention, he became a great companion. The family still misses him dearly.






The owner of a black cat named Bowie, who has different colored eyes, expressed her concern about how cats who are older, disabled, or ill are often the last ones to find homes. However, she emphasized that these cats make great companions. Older cats tend to be more relaxed and won’t cause as much damage to furniture. Cats with health issues can teach their owners patience, and they can learn the true meaning of love. Plus, black cats are considered to bring good luck! Maria also mentioned that some people have criticized the name she gave to her cat, Bowie, because the singer himself did not have different colored eyes like her cat. Nevertheless, she felt that the name Bowie was perfect for her cat, given his distinct blue and green eyes and unique nose marking.












