This Is My Life Now: 10+ Funny Pics With Cats Accepting Their Fate

#1 Tigress Isn’t Amused #2 Dad Is Living His Best Life, Mom Is Contemplating Her Life Choices #3 Motherhood                …

Meet Minnie, The Incredibly Cute Manx Kitten Who Is Looking For A Forever Home For The Holidays!

When Dannielle Southon, the founder of Southon Rescue, learned about a seven-week-old kitten with Manx syndrome who was at risk of being euthanized at a county shelter,…

Meet The Handsome Cat With Hind Leg Paralysis Who Loves Going On Adventures With His Parents!

When Nicole discovered three feral kittens had sought refuge on her property in Riverside, California, after being frightened by a dog, she rescued the trio of young…

Cat Resides Among a Devoted Flock of Chickens Enamored with Him

Our life still exists things that are unknown, or unexplainable to us, like how this cat can not know why the chickens are so obsessed with him!…

Meet Howard, The Incredible Cat Who Survived Being Hit By A Car And Is Now Looking For His Forever Home!

Sensitive Content This post includes photos some people may find upsetting. When Ready For Rescue in New York City got a call from a woman on March…

Meet Zac, The Stunning Special Needs Siamese Cat Who Is Searching For A Home After Being Returned

When Roxanne, an experienced cat fosterer for Pet Haven in Minnesota, saw a photo of Zac, a young kitten who desperately needed some special care and attention,…

Handsome Special Needs Cat Loves Racing Around Hawai’i In His Wheelchair!

When we learned Snapple, a tuxedo cat we featured back in September 2021, found a forever home with Ed and Gina in Hawai’i, we were thrilled for…

Meet The Incredibly Cute Paralyzed Kitten Who Is Looking For A Forever Home For The Holidays!

When Danielle Barnhart, the foster coordinator at Best Friends Animal Society (BFAS) in Salt Lake City, Utah, learned a tiny Siamese kitten who appeared to have special…

The Adorable Kitten Who Was Starving To Death When He Was Rescued And Is Now Healthy And Looking For His Forever Home

Danna from, a rescue organization in Kuwait, was feeding a colony of homeless and feral cats with her rescue partner, Fay, during the summer of 2020,…

Meet The Beautiful One-eared Cat Who Survived A Suspected Animal Attack And Found A Wonderful Forever Home!

  This post includes photos some people may find upsetting. When Luisa Girón saw an Instagram post from Soplo de Vida — an animal rescue based in…