Canine Takes on Motherly Role with Newly Arrived Kittens in the House

A furry pooch caught sight of some cute little kittens inside the home and instinctively took on the role of a nurturing mom.

kittens cuddling dog

Kona, a furry resident, welcomed the five foster kittens from separate litters into their new home with open paws. Two of them named Fred and Barney, were found outside with their mother who had abandoned them. Meanwhile, the other three named Betty, Pebbles, and Bamm-Bamm were transferred from a partner animal shelter. Asa, their foster mom from the Animal Welfare League of Arlington, ensured that they were well-fed with plenty of warm blankets and toys to keep them entertained. The kittens quickly adapted and were seen playing around, wrestling with each other before dozing off to sleep. Kona, a resident dog, was pleased to hear the sound of the newcomers and couldn’t wait to interact with them.

cute kittens

At Shibuya Roll Call, the latest batch of foster cats – BammBamm, Betty and Pebbles (all tabbies) – have caught the attention of Kona, a dog who loves nothing more than being around kittens. Kona has had plenty of experience raising young felines, and even the most timid ones can’t help but be won over by her affectionate nature. Kona was herself rescued along with her litter of puppies, and now lives happily ever after with her owner Asa.

panther kitty kittens

Fred and Barney of @shibuyarollcall shared the heartwarming story of Kona, a mother cat who finds joy in caring for kittens in need. For Kona, having an empty nest is not an option as she adores taking care of as many kittens as possible. Although her two litters were kept apart until they were medically cleared, Kona was happy to offer her motherly affection to all the feline babies.

dog washes kittens

As soon as the adorable kittens arrived, Kona got down to business and started grooming their little faces. The furry cutie couldn’t contain her excitement, wagging her tail so vigorously that it could have passed for a helicopter propeller. According to Asa, Kona had been eagerly waiting to meet them, and her enthusiasm was palpable. Finally, the time came for the official introduction, and Kona was beside herself with glee when one of the kittens, Betty, hopped on her back for a ride.

kittens dog happy

Upon meeting Kona, Betty wasted no time in using her back as a jungle gym. It was clear that the two hit it off, as Betty couldn’t contain her excitement. Kona happily allowed Betty and Pebbles to climb all over her, playing with her floppy ears and wagging tail. The trio even took a nap together, clearly enjoying each other’s company.

dog kitten sleeping snuggles

Pebbles absolutely loves her furry mother named @shibuyarollcall. At first, Bamm-Bamm was quite hesitant to approach Kona, but he eventually couldn’t resist her irresistible charm. In just a short span of time, Bamm-Bamm began to trail her around, trying his best to win her affection. Upon meeting Fred and Barney, Fred instantly gravitated towards Kona, treating her like his own mother. Although Barney was initially unsure about approaching her, it only took him five minutes to join Kona in a cozy cat bed.

kittens nap dog

Kona is a cat who enjoys taking naps in a cozy bed with her little ones, as seen in the photo posted by @shibuyarollcall. She’s a loving mother who showers her kittens with kisses and hugs. Recently, the two litters of kittens merged into one big family. They spent time playing together in their playpen before snuggling up with Kona, who wasted no time in grooming them.

kittens snuggling dog

Kona@shibuyarollcall’s snuggling session with her kittens is pure bliss. As she lays there, one by one, each little feline drifts off to dreamland on their furry momma. Every day, Kona eagerly escorts Asa to the kitten room to care for her babies in the best way possible.

sleeping dog kitten sweet

@shibuyarollcall reports that the five tiny ones are doing really well in their temporary home with their furry mom taking great care of them. Kona is always attentive to the kittens’ cries, making sure they are never left wanting for love and attention.

dog cares for kittens

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