“Feline Transformation: Cat Resembles Human’s Weight Loss Journey, Thrives in Adoptive Home”

Bruno, the feline sensation known for his endearing habit of standing on two legs like a human, has captured the affections of many. Currently, Bruno is making steady progress in his mission to shed unwanted weight, having achieved the halfway point of his weight loss journey.

Last year, Bruno was surrendered to Wright-Way Rescue in Morton Grove, Illinois due to compatibility issues with his previous owners. The feline arrived at the shelter carrying excessive weight and feeling bewildered by the new surroundings. Weighing over 25 pounds, the cat with thumbs needed to shed at least 10 pounds. Thus, the staff began scouting for a family that would dedicate themselves to help Bruno on his journey towards a healthy and joyous life. While spending time at the shelter, the staff discovered the cat’s giant personality and inclination towards standing like a human. Bruno has a knack for human interaction, and he often behaves like one, standing on his hind legs and supervising the room.

According to Jacoby of Wright-Way Rescue, Bruno has a unique way of asking for food. He enjoys sitting up on his back feet and begging or standing on his back legs for up to 20 minutes at a time. This behavior is quite amusing to his caretakers.

After patiently waiting for four months, Bruno finally found his forever home last summer with Lauren Paris and her boyfriend, Jason Bartlett, from Chicago. They were captivated by Bruno’s polydactyl paws and even wrote a song about him as part of their adoption application.

Ever since Bruno adopted his new residence, he’s shed off almost 20% of his initial body weight. From being 25 pounds, he now weighs 20.3 pounds, which is a true testament of his love for his new family.
Lauren, the owner, hopes that Bruno will eventually hit his target weight of roughly 15 pounds. Still, she wouldn’t mind if he goes below 18 pounds because he’s broad-boned.

The adorable feline has been put on a strict diet of 250 calories per day and engaged in various activities to stay fit. These fun exercises include Bruno’s unique standing routine, playful exploration, leisurely walks, and frolicking with toys. The owner is proud to report that they have diligently adhered to the diet plan, and the results are evident. The regime is evidently paying off, and the kitty is thriving!

According to Lauren, Bruno is a cat with a unique and distinct personality. He has a blend of contrasting characteristics that make him one of a kind. Sometimes he can be irritable and cantankerous like an elderly man, but at other times he’s lying on top of her, reveling in being stroked and purring for hours. He loves being in the spotlight and craves attention. Whenever they have company, he greets them with a barrage of meows and then flops in front of them, demanding pets. This is something he does every day when they return from work.

Bruno is a chatty and sociable feline who enjoys being around people. Whether you’re a stranger or not, he’ll shower you with affection and crave your undivided attention. According to his owner, Bruno is an amiable and cuddly pet that occasionally displays traits of an elderly gentleman. We simply can’t get enough of him! He’s like a vigilant overseer who keeps everyone in check.

Bruno loves to have fun with his feather wand, which he affectionately calls his girlfriend. This activity is his top choice when he’s not napping or cuddling, and he has been snoozing with his human companions every night since he joined their family in August.

Bruno, who I affectionately call my furry grandchild, enjoys spending time at his grandparents’ home in Wisconsin. One of his favorite activities while there is using their stairs to get some exercise in.

Bruno has transformed beautifully over time! He is now looking fantastic!


Have you ever heard of lovemeow.com? It’s a great website for cat lovers that provides all sorts of interesting articles, pictures, and videos about our feline friends. If you’re a cat lover, you’ll definitely want to check it out!

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